Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Night: Section 4

In this section we learn that the war is becoming closer to ending. The Americans bomb the camp. I don't know if this was a smart idea because they could have hit the prisoners buildings and killed alot of prisoneers. Also Ellie is beaten and lashed by the german in charge of them. I couldn't imagine how much that would hurt. He probaly almost died from the blood loss because it said he almost passed out.


Nick Grider said...

I agree with you. The bombing probably wasnt the best idea, they probably did hit some prisoners. The whipping would also hurt alot. He actually did pass out!

Kyle Splitt said...

Yeah, the bombing was kind of stupid if you think about it. The prisoners were so concentrated in the blocks, if a bomb had hit one of the blocks alot of people would have died. I can't image how much somethng would have to hurt for you to pass out when Elie was getting whipped.

Autumn Guarnaccia said...

i agree. the americans should of been more careful. but it gave the prisoners hope that the americans were close. i am glad that they were happy for once.