Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Night: section 1

I have alot of questions about the book so far. Why did the jews listen to the Germans? They were detaned into the gettos and moved out on trains and yet they still were optimistic. Also, what 12 yr. old wants to be a preist? Finnaly, why didn't anyone listen to muoe the beatle? No one beleived him even as they were being evactated from the gettos and moved on trains to Aswurtiz.


Spencer Dean said...

I think it was kind of stupid of them to ignore Moshe's warnings. They saw that he had been shot, they saw him get taken away by Germans, why couldn't they see the truth? I think that this is a case where optimism was a very bad thing.

Nick Grider said...

I am not so sure that I know any 12 year olds that want to be a preist either.I dont know why that didnt listen to moache the beadle either.They just need to be smarter I guess.

Kyle Splitt said...

I thinks it's really wierd for a 12 year old to want to be a rabbi. And why would someone lie about the thing Moche the Beadle said, they should have listened. Also, i think they were ignorant to think that they would be safe and that they wouldn't get deported.