Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Night: Section 5
In this section it turns to winter in the camp. The conditions in the camp get worse. I can't beleive all they gave them was slittely thicker clothes. Also I thought the docter was going to amputate ellie's foot. Also I thought that the S.S. was going to shoot everyone in the infurmary before they left the camp. It suprised me when they were liberated by the Russains two days later. Knowing that, I think that it was the wrong dission to evacuate the camp with the other prisoneers.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Night: Section 4
In this section we learn that the war is becoming closer to ending. The Americans bomb the camp. I don't know if this was a smart idea because they could have hit the prisoners buildings and killed alot of prisoneers. Also Ellie is beaten and lashed by the german in charge of them. I couldn't imagine how much that would hurt. He probaly almost died from the blood loss because it said he almost passed out.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Night: Section 2 and 3
In this section ellie and his family are transported to aswutiz. I dont get why the prisoners didn't fight back. Most of them knew that they were going to die. They could have probaly fought back and killed a few German guards. It would have been better than going to the furnace. Also, I don't understand why Ellie and his dad went to the line toward the furnaces, they said they were 18 and 40 years old.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Night: section 1
I have alot of questions about the book so far. Why did the jews listen to the Germans? They were detaned into the gettos and moved out on trains and yet they still were optimistic. Also, what 12 yr. old wants to be a preist? Finnaly, why didn't anyone listen to muoe the beatle? No one beleived him even as they were being evactated from the gettos and moved on trains to Aswurtiz.
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